Weight Management for Pets

Help your pet maintain a healthy weight with our weight management program.

Obesity is a serious issue among pets that causes many health problems. It is currently recorded that 50% of pets are obese. At our clinic, we’ve created a judgment-free zone to get your loyal companion to a healthy weight. We spend extra time working with pet parents to create a lifestyle and diet that will aid the patient’s weight loss journey. To discuss your pet’s weight, please call us at 519-389-2020.

When is my pet considered overweight?

As your pet’s guardian, you can see the difference when they’ve put on some extra pounds. From a veterinary perspective, we determine if your pet is overweight by comparing their current weight to their ideal weight. Each pet has an ideal weight determined by their size, age, and breed. When your pet is 15% heavier than their ideal weight, they are considered overweight. If your pet is over 20%, then they are classified as obese. 

What health issues are common in overweight pets?

When pets are overweight, it’s easier for them to develop health problems. Overweight and obese pets often have diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, urinary bladder stones, cancer, and arthritis.

How can I manage my pet’s weight?

A veterinarian should be involved in your pet’s weight loss journey. Our professionals can recommend healthy ways to help your loyal companion stay in shape. Here are some general recommendations to ensure your pet stays at a healthy weight:

  1.  Don’t free-feed your pet. Leaving out food for your pet can lead to obesity.
  2.  Follow the specialized diet created by your veterinarian. This way, your pet doesn’t miss out on any nutrients and doesn’t get underweight.
  3.  Encourage your pet to exercise. You can start with short interval exercises throughout the day.
  4.  Limit their treats. Find other ways to reward your pet, like extra cuddles and kisses. The treats that your pet gets should only account for 10% of the calories they consume that day.
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