Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

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It is easy to assess your pet by examining their physical body, but a lot goes on inside that we cannot see. With imaging diagnostics like X-rays and ultrasounds, we get a snapshot of your pet’s internal system. With these images, our trained veterinarians can determine the state of your pet’s organs and diagnose diseases.

What are ultrasounds used to identify?

Ultrasonography uses sound waves to examine the inside of your pet. Ultrasounds are performed by a specially trained professional called a sonographer. Ultrasounds can detect cysts, pregnancy, and tumours. We can examine your pet’s kidney, heart, liver, and gallbladder.

What are X-rays and why would my pet need one?

During X-rays, we use electromagnetic radiation to create images. The light will penetrate the dense internal areas of your pet, which will show up as white on the scans. X-rays examine your pet’s bladder, prostate, bones, stomach, colon, intestines, lungs, and heart.

Are X-rays safe for my pet?

Absolutely! X-rays are completely safe for pets. Pet X-rays use less radiation in comparison to human ones, and it’s unlikely that it will affect your pet’s health. To learn more about how we prioritize your pet’s safety during X-rays, please contact us at 519-389-2020.

Will my pet be sedated during the procedure?

Occasionally we may sedate pets during radiology scans. Both procedures are pain-free, but when a pet is nervous, our team will administer a short-acting sedative to relax them. Your pet must stay still during X-rays as movement can result in blurry images which are difficult to interpret.

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