Senior Care for Pets

Supporting your pet through their golden years with specialized care and monitoring.

Aging is not a disease; with proper monitoring and health care, senior pets can live long lives. Most pets are considered seniors between the ages of 7 and 10-years-old. At our clinic, we are delighted to care for older pets. We can help you and your loyal companion navigate this new chapter of their life. 

What are signs that my pet is aging?

As your pet ages, it is normal for them to show physical and behavioural changes. It should be expected that your senior pet will show these signs:

  • Greying around the face and head
  • Confusion
  • Less energy
  • Hearing loss
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Thinning hair or coat
  • Increase/decrease in urination, eating, or drinking

How often should my senior pet see a veterinarian?

The older your pet gets, the more vulnerable they are to developing ailments, which is why they need routine veterinary visits. Senior pets should have two veterinary exams each year. If your pet has known health issues, our team may recommend that they have additional veterinary exams. To schedule a senior wellness exam for your pet, please call us at 519-389-2020.

How can I care for my senior pet?

When your pet becomes a senior, it’s crucial that you use patience and understanding with them. During this stage, many pets won’t live up to their usual capabilities, which can alter their daily life. Here are some tips on how you can care for your senior pet:

  • Moderate their exercise to their capabilities. You may have to limit their walks or replace them with low-level exercises.
  • Make your home more senior-friendly by adding safety precautions like non-slip mats and ramps so they can get around easily.
  • Provide them with an age-appropriate diet. Since seniors are prone to more illnesses, the foods they eat can be used to reduce and prevent those diseases. They also have different dietary needs to help sustain their bodies.
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