Parasite Control & Prevention

Protecting your pet against internal and external parasites.

Parasites can infect your pet and cause them to develop various health issues. It’s important that your loyal companion is on prevention medication because they can easily come into contact with contaminated objects or infected animals. Some parasites your pet can get infected with are ticks, fleas, ear mites, coccidia, heartworms, whipworms, hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. At our hospital, we are experts at protecting your pet from a costly infection.

When is parasite prevention necessary?

Although some parasites are more active during warm weather, your pet needs prevention medication all year round. In most cases, your pet can take a broad-spectrum preventative that keeps them safe from several parasites. By strictly following a parasite prevention plan, you can protect your pet from an infection that can seriously affect their overall well-being.

What are signs that my pet has parasites?

As there are different types of parasites, there are various signs that may be indicative of an infection. In some instances, the signs may be very subtle or well hidden. We encourage pet owners to always examine their pets for any abnormalities. Here are some signs to look for:

  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Bald patches
  • Bumps on their skin
  • Swollen belly 
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea

If your pet is showing these signs, please call us at 519-389-2020. Our team will perform the necessary diagnostic tests to identify what is causing the symptoms and provide prompt treatment.

Can I get parasites from my pet?

Yes, some parasites are zoonotic, meaning they can be transferred between species, including humans. Humans can get tapeworms and roundworms from their pets. To prevent this, you should safely dispose of their waste and wash your hands immediately. Pregnant women, seniors, children, and immuno-compromised individuals have a higher risk of catching parasites from pets.

Is parasite prevention necessary for indoor cats?

Yes. Indoor cats have a lower risk of catching some parasites, but it is still possible for them to become infected. Parasites can sneak their way into your home via human shoes, clothing, or other pets. It’s not uncommon for some seasonal parasites to hide inside your home and attack your pet. You should also consider that indoor cats will take any opportunity to run outside, even for a brief moment, where they can encounter parasites.

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