Deworming Services for Pets

Protect your pet from deadly parasites by deworming them regularly.

When most people hear about worms, they imagine the ones that come out after it rains. But as a pet owner, you know worms are deadly for your loyal companion. Your pet can have various types of worms, such as heartworms, ringworms, hookworms, or whipworms. This is why cats and dogs need to have deworming every year. At Port Elgin Veterinary Clinic, we are experts at protecting your pet from worms and treating them if they become infected. To schedule a deworming appointment for your pet, please call us at 519-389-2020.

How does my pet get worms?

Worms and other parasites can easily be in your pet’s surroundings which is why they are a constant threat. Here are common ways pets get worms:

  • Playing in contaminated soil or grass and eating worm eggs
  • Eating fleas (these parasites carry tapeworms)
  • From their mothers - puppies can get hookworms and roundworms before they are born, while kittens get them through milk
  • Hunting - pets can get worms from infected prey
  • From other pets - your pet has a higher chance of getting worms if they frequent daycares or a dog park

What are the signs that my pet has worms?

It’s important your pet has preventatives, as the signs of worms are not always noticeable in the early stages. With regular deworming and testing, our team can prevent an infection. Here are some signs to look for:

  1.  Swollen or bloated abdomen
  2.  Loss of appetite
  3.  Sudden weight loss
  4.  Persistent dry cough
  5.  Diarrhea
  6.  Vomiting

What treatment is available if my pet has worms?

Our clinic will perform tests to accurately diagnose the type of worm your pet has and then create a treatment plan. In most cases, our veterinarians will prescribe a deworming medication to flush out the worms completely. The medication may be in the form of topical creams or oral medicines. In severe cases, if a pet has a high number of intestinal worms, they may need surgery to remove them.

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